


Dumbledog is one of the bad guys that turns into a good guy later in the series. He wants to burn down the forest, but in most times, his plans does not work.

Lion bandicoot

 There are three Lion bandicoots. The three Lion bandicoots are basiclly mixed in with a lion and a bandicoot. There was that one time that the three Lion bandicoots were making super shark so big.


Magma is also one of the bad guys. He is the leader of burning world. He is also 150 feet big. He is the largest bad guys.


Jack is a evil holloween character. He has the power to float and to throw explosives.

Big Turkey

Big Turkey in one of the thanksgiving characters. He has the power to use light beam, and use his laptop to blow up earth.


Piglet is the weakest bad guy. He also works with Dumbledog. 

String V. Teddy

String V. Teddy is one of the more dangerous criminals. He has the power to make people think that they are tangled in strings, think that everyone's name is Strings, think that there own name was Strings, and make characters a villain.

Toxic queen

Toxic queen has owned 11 dogs. Fluffy and Eyebrow dog are also the ones that toxic queen owned. She also has the power to fire toxic.


Flabbybab has a power to create blackholes. He is also a dark soul. He has a dragon named, "Ink".

Ink Midnight

Ink the dragon is the biggest dragon. She is the second biggest villian.

Pixel octipus


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