Side characters


Super dolphin

She is a friend of Super shark. She likes to go to Kings island. She likes flowers, that's why she has a flower on her head. 


Night in one of characters that live in Difficult Forest. She has the power to throw spiked feathers at villains.


Mac is C.K's partner. He has a net to trap stuff. Sometimes Mac practice battling with Super shark.


Blueberry is Super dolphin's brother. He hate's the color, "Orange", but he likes his hat orange. He has the power to throw explosive blueberries.


Strawberry is Super dolphin's sister. She loves flowers. She has the power to throw explosive strawberries.


Fluffy's original owner was Toxic queen. His original name was "Dendae". Now Super shark owns him.


Ruge has the power of fire. She is the black cat that lives in Difficult cave.


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